If the people at Georgetown University just wanted to make their students laugh, they might as well just have hired a more conventional clown to give his lectures, which would have saved them some dollars. It is true that, if that were the case, they might not turn out to be that funny, but at least this pitiful character wouldn't be out there making many of us Spaniards feel embarrased.
Click here to listen to his latest public display of wisdom and political stature.
Bueno, puestos a pedir excusas, ¿cómo es que yo nunca he oído a este señor disculparse por las fechorías de su abuelo, el periodista Manuel Aznar, primera pluma del régimen franquista? Según Vázquez Montalbán: "El mito de Franco como genial guerrero durante la guerra de África fue elaborado entre Manuel Aznar y otro abuelo de brillante político del PP hoy en ejercicio, el periodista Ruiz-Gallardón".
Hi there: nice to see some guys around here!
Although I like to talk about politics a lot, I feel so embarrased and angry about this pillock that somebody should talk to him and explaing him this simple fact: it is better having Zapatero spreading his alliance all around the world instead of him, Aznar, spreading his "stupity"...
As Victor said, first: the BBC interviwe; now, the Hudson lecture.
Quosque tandem Aznar abutere patientia nostra?
Para los aficionados al youtube, aquí hay otro vídeo que tiene cierta gracia. Es sutil, pero punzante: