If so, do not hesitate to watch its sequel: “Russian dolls” (ou “Les poupées russes” en français). If you have not yet seen any of the two, I strongly recommend them both, particularly for those of you who, like me, are/have been/will be living and studying in a foreign country.
“L’auberge espagnole” is a French/Spanish movie that was filmed to celebrate the first one million milestone in the Erasmus European student exchange program. It tells the story of a French guy who goes to study in Barcelona for a year with this program and ends up living in a shared apartment (hence the name, “l’auberge espagnole” or “the Spanish apartment” as translated for the English title) with other students from all over Europe. Soon, the different lifestyles of the roommates tend to collide, although in the end it seems obvious that the things that they have in common are far more powerful than the artificial barriers imposed by frontiers and nationalities.
“L’auberge espagnole” is a French/Spanish movie that was filmed to celebrate the first one million milestone in the Erasmus European student exchange program. It tells the story of a French guy who goes to study in Barcelona for a year with this program and ends up living in a shared apartment (hence the name, “l’auberge espagnole” or “the Spanish apartment” as translated for the English title) with other students from all over Europe. Soon, the different lifestyles of the roommates tend to collide, although in the end it seems obvious that the things that they have in common are far more powerful than the artificial barriers imposed by frontiers and nationalities.
In the second part, several years have passed and the main character is back in France. Things are not easy for him as he struggles to find a decent job and a balanced love life.
Personally, I find that the movie deals with several topics that are very important for people our age, namely centered around the difficulties to find the right direction to guide our lives in the middle of everyday’s madness and, perhaps more importantly, the highs and lows on the quest for that “special someone” that very frequently turns out to be so difficult to find.
All in all, two very good movies. Highly recommended.
Personally, I find that the movie deals with several topics that are very important for people our age, namely centered around the difficulties to find the right direction to guide our lives in the middle of everyday’s madness and, perhaps more importantly, the highs and lows on the quest for that “special someone” that very frequently turns out to be so difficult to find.
All in all, two very good movies. Highly recommended.
"C’est quoi ce bordel avec l’amour. Comment cela se fait que l’on devient dingue à ce point. T’imagine le temps qu’on passe à se prendre la tête la dessus. Quand t’es seul, tu te plains. Est-ce que je vais trouver quelqu’un ? Quand t’as quelqu’un. Est-ce que c’est la bonne ? Est-ce que tu l’aimes vraiment ? Et elle, est-ce qu’elle m’aime autant que moi je l’aime? Est-ce que l’on peut aimer plusieurs personnes dans sa vie ? Pourquoi on se sépare ? Est-ce que l’on peut réparer les choses quand on sent que ça se barre en couille ? Toutes ses questions à la con qu’on se pose tout le temps. Attends, on ne peut pas dire que l’on n’y connaît rien, on est préparé quand même. On lit des histoires d’amour, on lit des contes, on lit des romans d’amour, des films d’amour, l’amour, l’amour, l’amour."
"J’ai repensé à toutes les filles que j’avais connues, avec qui j’avais couchées ou même seulement désirées. Je me suis dit qu’elles étaient comme des poupées russes. On passe sa vie entière à jouer à ce jeu-la. On est curieux de savoir qui sera la dernière. La toute petite qui était cachée dans toutes les autres. On ne peut pas l’attraper directement. On est obligé de suivre un cheminement. Il faut les ouvrir les unes après les autres en se demandant à chaque fois : est ce que c’est elle la dernière ? "
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"I know you're not always perfect. I know you have tons of problems, defects, imperfections... but who doesn't? It's just that I prefer your problems. I'm in love with your imperfections. Your imperfections are just great! I know most girls they get weak on their knees for what's beautiful, you know, that's all they see, that's all they want. But I'm not like that. I don't just see what's beautiful. I fall for the other stuff. I love what's not perfect. It's just how I am."
Sí, a mí me encantó "Les poupées russes", la encontré muy melancólica y me sentí muy identificada con algunas de las situaciones. También tiene que ver que la fui a ver con una especie de novio que tenía en ese momento y con el cual las cosas no iban demasiado bien. Me tuve que retener para no darle contínuos codazos (tipo "eh, eeeeeeh") cada vez que en la pulícula se reflejaba algo que tenía que ver con nosotros.
Un besote, Paco!