I love this scene from the movie Good Will Hunting. In little more than two minutes, it encompasses one of the fiercest critics against the American educational system that I have ever seen. The bottom line? Be careful who you pick on when you’re at a bar and, above all, avoid being “unoriginal”… ;-)
Will: See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don't do that, and two, you dropped 150 grand on a f***in' education you could have got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library!
Clark: Yeah, but I will have a degree. And you'll be servin' my kids fries at a drive-thru on our way to a skiing trip.
Will: That may be, but at least I won't be unoriginal.
Es una fantasmada total, pero siempreme gustó este trozo de la peli. Un besote.
I´m glad you liked it, MJ. Actually, the sequel - which is supposed to have occurred just a couple of years later - is slightly less idealistic and romantic ;-)
Muchos besos.