Tonight, I was leisurely strolling through the ice-cream aisle at the local supermarket when my gaze stumbled upon a most intriguing label: “Häagen-Daaz Reserve”. Being, as I am, a devoted follower of the “Dulce de leche” variety from this American - made - to - seem - Scandinavian family of sinful troublemakers, the discovery immediately attracted my unrequited attention. Just a couple of weeks earlier, I had fallen prey to the charms of an exquisite seductress who had played on my nostalgia for everything French and had “Crème Brulee” tattooed near the entrance to her cave of pleasures. “Be strong” – I told myself – “run away while you still can”. But it was too late. My eyes wandered aimlessly until they found the title for my newfound dietetic doom: “Hawaian Lehua Honey and Sweet Cream”. Now, is this a fancy name for a flavor or what? “Come on, man… let go… you know you can handle it”. The accompanying explanatory note, however, went a little bit further: “The Lehua Blossom imparts a unique floral note to this rare honey which is balanced by a rich sweet cream”. Madredelamorhermoso! I am still trying to convince myself of the fact that it was only at this point that my résistance was annihilated and my defeat fully accomplished. And yet this is quite untrue; deep within my soul, I know that they had me at hello. Who cares? Quoting Abba, I feel like I win when I loose. Back in my apartment, the treasure is unveiled and the taste lives up to my most optimistic expectations. Thanks heavens for Häagen-Dazs.