Behind every great man there is a great woman. Or at least that’s what they say. Taking the complement, it may seem reasonable to say that behind every hideous sick bastard we can expect to find an equally hideous and sick bastardette. Let facts speak for themselves.
The video below is a fragment of an interview with Lynne Cheney, the wife of the vicepresident of the United States. The interview was aired on the Daily Show a few days ago. Mrs. Cheney was marketing her new book and was brave enough to go on the show even though his husband is a frequent target of Jon’s attacks and mockery. She knew what to expect, so she prepared for the interview. I watched the first few minutes and she seemed to cope pretty well with the semi-hostile scenario. At a certain point, however, she spoke a bit too much and her true self was unveiled.
The video below is a fragment of an interview with Lynne Cheney, the wife of the vicepresident of the United States. The interview was aired on the Daily Show a few days ago. Mrs. Cheney was marketing her new book and was brave enough to go on the show even though his husband is a frequent target of Jon’s attacks and mockery. She knew what to expect, so she prepared for the interview. I watched the first few minutes and she seemed to cope pretty well with the semi-hostile scenario. At a certain point, however, she spoke a bit too much and her true self was unveiled.
Jon Stewart’s reply was like a real-time read-out of the kind of thoughts that were going through my mind as I was listening to her. He hit the main cords, namely Madrid and London, although maybe he should have also asked her if the lives of the thousands of US soldiers fallen in Iraq (3828 confirmed by DoD as of today) are not considered "American interests" either, since she does not mention them nor seems to take them into account. I guess that neither the bombs nor the war did anything to harm her husband who, instead, benefited from the context to become richer by the minute (Halliburton, anyone?). Incredible as it seems, blondie here is trying to convince us that after 9/11 the world is a safer place and that we should all be grateful to her husband and Georgie boy because of their excellent leadership. I'm sorry but I just have to say it out loud: what a hypocritical nasty bitch!
Behind every successful man there is a great woman. And behind her is his wife.
End quote.
Groucho Marx dixit